The will to command and lead the game: the pleasure of maintaining possession of the ball, the ability to manage the game and its times with confidence, the development of a team mentality devoted to resourcefulness and common sacrifice are fundamental.
Through special exercises in moving techniques, we aim to perfect the movement of football: from transmission to control, from the search for space to the fast management to mastering the ball.
When we talk about tactical skills, we mean both individual and team skills. These skills are trained with exercises that, alternately during the week, research the game principles. And by game principles; we mean building, managing and maintaining possession, finishing and finalising, the defensive phase. The methodology uses situational, simple and complex training methods, positional games, possession exercises and themed games.
The goal is to train an athlete ready to make effective decisions, even in difficult and changing contexts. In other words, the development of a “Quick Thought”, the basis for adapting to the best of all situations and changes that a game presents.
Sacrifice, courage, collaboration: these are the values that our athletes must share, all while developing the concept of belonging to a team. These are the values underlying not only the work of the players, but also those who follow them constantly and accompany them in their growth, on and off the pitch.